The marine and offshore sectors in the Humber

Capitalising on the Humber estuary’s natural assets, members of Humber Marine and Renewables have come together to provide a comprehensive supply chain offer.

The Humber is the largest ports complex in the UK and the fourth-largest trading estuary in Northern Europe. It plays a pivotal role in the UK economy, particularly in marine and offshore.

The skills base of Humber Marine & Renewables members broadly comes under the umbrella of the marine and offshore sectors. The capabilities cover:

  • Offshore Wind
  • Offshore Oil & Gas
  • Commercial Shipping
  • Ports & Logistics

With many transferable skills, members work across these sectors (and others), providing services ranging from steel fabrication, ship repairs, towage and salvage to specialist electrical, engineering health & safety, training and professional services.

The Opportunity

The North Sea is crucial for the Humber region and for Europe’s ‘Blue Economy’. Its maritime economy is estimated to represent a GVA of at least €150 billion (out of just under €500 billion for the EU as a whole), and employs at least 850 000 people.

Offshore wind is without doubt is transforming the Yorkshire & Humber region, and over the past few years, Yorkshire & Humber companies have invested in new fleets of workboats which now operate around the Humber, the UK, as well as internationally in Germany and Denmark. Other regional companies, and particularly Humber Marine and Renewables members, have won projects worth £millions at home and globally supplying steel, steel components, steel fabrications, electrical equipment, HVAC, safety equipment, PPE workwear, shipbuilding & repair, vessel support, ships supplies, environmental surveys, electronic equipment, legal & financial support, diving & subsea, freight & shipping, lifting & handling, health & safety consultancy, ports & ships agency, personnel, and training.


Map of Offshore Wind Farms provided by 4C Offshore.

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Humber Marine and Renewables is like an extra marketing arm for your business. The Alliance has been successful in helping member companies secure high value contracts and in promoting their wide-ranging capabilities to national and international audiences.

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Our member companies offer a wide range of services and capabilities. You can view details of all of our members here or search for a company by keyword below.