Anchor Partners

Anchor Partner Opportunity

One Voice, One Ambition

Join Humber Marine and Renewables as an Anchor Partner to assist with your growth strategy or to raise the profile of your organisation.

We have been at the forefront of the burgeoning maritime and offshore sectors in the Humber region and are well-placed to play a prominent role in ensuring members and the region enjoy the maximum return from the growing opportunities.

Becoming an Anchor Partner offers you the chance to enhance your national and international profile at the same time as helping to promote economic development in the region.

Become an Anchor Partner and:

  • Enhance your profile and regional presence
  • Network with member companies & partners
  • Access new opportunities and suppliers by linking to our established networks
  • Enhance your brand through our marketing, locally and nationally
  • Facilitate networking with business leaders
  • Support our supply chain cluster development activities
  • Support our skills development activities
  • Make a significant contribution to the economic success of the region

Key features
  • Prominent company profile and logo on this website.
  • Statement from your CEO on website stating benefits of participating/partnering with Humber Marine and Renewables
  • Initial joint press release to local, regional and national trade media
  • Company logo on our regular newsletter
  • Invitations to speak at key, relevant events
  • Support from Humber Marine and Renewables to assist in supply chain identification and engagement
  • An option for you or a colleague to sit on our advisory board
  • The option to display your own pop-up banner at our events

Annual subscription fee: POA

For more information call us on +44 (0) 1482 485271

or email us on