Humber Marine and Renewables Logo

If you’d like to use our logo but don’t want to negotiate a license agreement with us, the following guidelines will help you. If you’d like to use the logo in a way that isn’t covered below, please contact us at

  • If you are a member of Humber Marine and Renewables, you can use our logo freely to promote your membership.
  • Do not manipulate or alter the logo in any way.
  • Do not use anything other than the most current versions of the Humber Marine and Renewables logo.
  • Do not use the Humber Marine and Renewables logo on any ads, products or merchandise without our permission.
  • Do not use the Humber Marine and Renewables logo in a way that confuses the Humber Marine and Renewables company name with another company.
  • Do not use the Humber Marine and Renewables logo to imply sponsorship, endorsement or false association with Humber Marine and Renewables.


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Humber Marine and Renewables is like an extra marketing arm for your business. The Alliance has been successful in helping member companies secure high value contracts and in promoting their wide-ranging capabilities to national and international audiences.

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Member Search

Our member companies offer a wide range of services and capabilities. You can view details of all of our members here or search for a company by keyword below.